Scientific data-driven website and calculation repo for

This proof of concept site demonstrates an open-source approach to calculating sustainability indices for Santa Barbara, setup initially by Ben Best of EcoQuants for a meeting May 4, 2017 organized by Seth Streeter, Laura Capps and Dave Fortsen. We hope to create a digital dashboard for sustainability in Santa Barbara that will become a model for cities around the world that aligns with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities.

Ocean Health Index (OHI) Framework

The Ocean Health Index (OHI) calculates the sustainable use of our oceans now and into the future according to a set of goals communicated visually as a flower plot and averaged into a single number for ease of comparison between regions and across years. Led by Dr. Ben Halpern at UCSB’s NCEAS, it provides a reductionist framework for potential use by SustainSB. The same open-source data science tools used by OHI are applied to this demonstration of SustainSB.

Demo for SustainSB

This website is hosted for free on Github in a repository, a collection of versioned files:


A typical process for arriving at sustainability indices involves these steps:

1. Prep Regions

See Prep Regions for details. Regions make up the fundamental spatial units of analysis for associating data layers and goal scores. Here’s one possibility: “regions” are the city boundaries, and the are “Outside Cities” makes up the rest of Santa Barbara County.

2. Prep Layers

See Prep Layers for details. Any data layer should be attributed to the regions with explicit units when possible (eg km2) and can represent measurements over time. Most raw data must be aggregated or split in space and time to match the spatial regions and comparable time increments (eg years), as is the case in this example of extracting a groundwater score from the many USGS stations and sampling dates.

3. Calculate Scores

See Calculate Scores for details. Data layers are blended with an equation to arrive at a goal score, possibly involving dimensions (eg status, trend, pressures, resilience). The goal scores then get averaged for an index score of the individual regions. Finally, the goal and index scores for all regions are averaged with a weighting (eg population or area) to arrive at scores for the entire study area of Santa Barbara County. Here’s a mockup of goals based on the UN SDG11 targets and fake data.


The open-source approach demonstrated here is interoperable with other technologies such as ESRI commercial software (desktop, server and web services) that SustainSB technology lead Mike Wald of Oniracom is exploring.

For more on the specific stack of open-source software (R programming language, RStudio integrated development environment, Git versioning program, and GitHub collaborative development portal), please see the OHI Manual:

This software stack can operate across platforms (Windows, Mac, Linux) for free, which lowers the barriers to entry for other individuals to contribute to SustainSB or other cities to adopt the framework.

It is especially useful to differentiate applicable technology to the various processes along the life stages of data:

Curating Data Catalogs

Consuming Data

Calculating Scores

Presenting Results

Automatically Update Data, Scores and Results

Fetching the latest data from the USGS REST Web Services or other similar web services for various data layers is possible at monthly/weekly/daily frequencies, along with recalculation of SustainSB goal and index scores for free! (The geek speak of how this is possible is using a cron job to continuously integrate on a Github repository using Travis CI service that spins up a server to check code and can be appropriated to fetch data, prep layers, calculate scores and update the website.)

2017-06-11: Auto-Update Working!

This free daily calculation infrastructure has now been setup for SustainSB (eg see and issue #2 for details). Note the badge at the top of this page which describes the build status:

Now you can see the Travis builds resulting from either regular push (from git commit and push operations) or cron (daily execution of code without need for git commit and push) events in the SustainSB/ commit log:

Gathering Feedback


Please feel free to direct questions or suggestions about this repo to Ben Best (, who can also add you as a member to the SustainSB Github group ( given your Github login (easy to register at